1. I’m so sorry I was MIA this past week — I was in the midst of sorority recruitment and had NO TIME to do anything but girl flirt. But it was so worth it because I met so many amazing women!
2. I am currently reading “Not That Kind of Girl” by Lena Dunham.
4. “Grease Live” was on two nights ago! Unfortunately, I couldn’t watch it, but I heard it was amazing. What were your thoughts?
5. Here are the books that Buzzfeed readers think will change your life. I’ve read a lot of them, but I know I’ll be adding #7, #10, and #33 to my list.
6. Spring classes start today! Fortunately, I don’t have class on Tuesdays or Thursdays, but I’m excited to have my first YA literature class tomorrow!
Happy reading,
futbol.run UEFA Youth League - Porto
Blackburn defender Phil Jones has undergone successful knee surgery but is still unlikely to play much before the end of the season. The 18-year-old tore cartilage. Phil Jones undergoes successful knee surgery as Blackburn defender begins rehab
Football Solutions Regions' Cup - Matteo Odone
Tottenham Hotspur fans were left feeling aggrieved on Tuesday afternoon when their team was described as lackadaisical… by search engine Google. Google lackadaisical… and Tottenham will appear! Search engine trolls Spurs defence
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