Top Ten Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday: Auto-Buy Authors

Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in 2010. It’s a fun way for bloggers all over the Internet to connect and post the things they love about books. This weeks designated topic is “auto-buy authors”. This refers to authors whose books you will buy no matter what. Personally, this is just too similar to the previous week for me (I’m not drawn to authors for some reason), so I’m going to list my Top 10 authors I want to read this upcoming school year.


1. Diana Gabaldon

I’ve heard so many great things about “Outlander”. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

2. George R. R. Martin

I mean…it’s “Game of Thrones” in book form. I have yet to actually watch the show in sequence, but there’s a reason everyone loves it, and it’s got to be even better as a book. I wanted to start reading this awhile ago, but I know it’s going to be a big commitment.

3. Kurt Vonnegut

I’ve read “Slaughterhouse-Five”, but I’d love to read his other works. My brother loves his stuff, and I have a whole stack of his book on my desk at home. I’m going to dive into these when I get home from college.

Ray Bradbury

4. Ray Bradbury

This is another author I would love to read more from. My friend recently read a lot of his stuff and really liked it, so I’d love to see what it’s about. I’m also a huge fan of “Fahrenheit 451” so I’d like to see if his other stuff matches up.

5. Kristin Hannah

I’ve been looking for “The Nightingale” ever since my mom mentioned it to me back in February. I haven’t been able to find it on any of my trips to Barnes and Noble, so I might have to settle for ordering it online. But I know it’s going to be a good read once I finally get my hands on it.

Jojo Moyes

6. Jojo Moyes

“Me After You” is on so many to-read lists I can’t keep track. Besides hearing that her stories are emotionally moving, I love the style of the covers.

7. Rainbow Rowell

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been wanting to read “Eleanor and Park” for almost a year now. And I’ve also heard great things about “Fangirl” from my roommate. I can’t wait to pick these two up.

8. Victoria Aveyard

In the book blogger world, “The Red Queen” is pretty popular. I figured I would give it a go!


9. Stephanie Perkins

Author of “Anna and the French Kiss”, Perkins has written other books as well. I think these would be really fun, easy reads to immerse myself in while at work or waiting between classes.

10. Ian Fleming

Fleming is the author of the James Bond books. My best friend loves these books, and I think they would be interesting to read. Apparently, Bond is a more dynamic character in the novels than in the movies.

Do you have any must-buy authors? Or authors you look forward to reading? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy reading,


  • 23summerd

    Lemony Snicket/Daniel Handler is my only must-buy author. I just bought a short story collection because he was the editor!! That is how much I know I’ll love anything with his name on it.

  • Cathy

    Just a little tidbit of information for you… Ian Fleming had property in Jamaica and that’s where he wrote a lot of the James Bond books. You can still go and visit the house which is located on the north eastern coast of Jamaica. A few of the movies were filmed there too.

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