Top Ten Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday: My Book Wishes

Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in 2010. It’s a fun way for bloggers all over the Internet to connect and post the things they love about books. This week’s topic explores my top 10 wishes I would want the book genie to grant me. Let’s get started!

1. Unlimited reading time one day of the week.
I would love to be able to just sit down and read for an entire day. Just one day where I have no other commitments other than to enjoy a book that I love.

speed reading

2. Faster reading abilities.
I am the slowest reader known to man…and I hate that. It takes me much longer to read than those around me, and I would pay money to be able to finish and enjoy books in the blink of an eye.

Beauty and the Beast Library

3. A secret library for my house.
House goals include a hidden library behind a staircase with a ladder that can glide across the room.

4. Unlimited access to Barnes and Noble.
I would never ever steal a book. But if I could just go into Barnes and Nobel under the cover of night and read books for hours on end with access to the Starbucks pastries, I wouldn’t complain.

The Bookshop

5. A map of all the amazing book stores in the world.
I’m a huge fan of used bookstores. Last spring break my friend and I took a road trip to my hometown and stopped along the way in Savannah and found an amazing store. They always have the best finds and the greatest stories. I would love to have a map that I could visit throughout my travels.

6. A summary for book series.
By this I mean, I wish book series had the same thing as TV series such as a “What Happened Last Time.” I always wait for a series to be finished before I read it because I always end up forgetting what happened in the previous books and have to re-read them. If I had a highlight reel of the past books that sums up all the important points, I wouldn’t run into these problems.

AY691M A selection of secondhand paperback books for sale

7. Paperbacks should come out way faster.
Seriously, I’m here waiting for a paperback copy of a book for like two years! What gives? There are two types of people in this world — people who read hardcover books and people who read paperback books, so please, help a sister out.

8. Give me the truth from J.K. Rowling.
I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter, and I’m a huge fan of J.K. Rowling for giving me Harry Potter. Now, I would love to meet her and get the actual truth about the world I grew up loving. She’s released a lot of information within the past couple of years, but I feel like they are publicity ploys to increase popularity of the book and though she may believe in what she is saying, I would just really love to sit down with her and maybe read her notes on the original stories.

9. Please let me be paid for this.
I decided I wanted to be a book editor when I was just beginning to think about college. If I could be paid to tell people I love their books, I would be a happy gal.

World of Books

10. Grant everyone the ability to read.
So many people in this world don’t have the ability to read due to lack of education or lack of resources. I would love it if everyone in the world were able to read and able to have access to amazing books. I would love to start a foundation one day that donates books to children all over the world.

What would be on your book wish list for the book genie? Leave a comment below!

Happy reading,


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