August Goals

August Goals & A July Update

How in the world is it already August? I know I’m not alone in thinking we really would have been out of this pandemic by now, or at least the worst of it, and I struggled in July with the fact that it wasn’t over. Because of that, I feel like I almost wasted the month? I know I didn’t — I had a retreat for a non-profit board I am a part of, I went to the beach (safely) with my mom, and I had a holiday weekend — but I just feel like I got nothing done. I’m determined to make August a much more “successful” month, at least in measurement against my other months during this pandemic.

August Goals Big Image

July 2020 Goal Update

1// Finish Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass series.
Despite reading 10 books in July, Kingdom of Ash was not one of them. I got about 200 pages in during the month, so I’m hopeful I can finish it in August.

2// Try two new, healthy dinner recipes.
I don’t truly know if I accomplished this goal, but I ate much better in the month of July with salads for lunch and hearty meals for dinner including zoodles and meat sauce and chicken with veggies. I’m going to call this one a win!

3// Watch a documentary.
Womp, womp. I did not accomplish this goal. I usually watch TV with my boyfriend and read when I have alone time, so I’m going to have to be really intentional about this goal. I still have so many I want to watch.

4// Plan a fun trip for the fall.
My weekend trip for August got postponed, so I think that is going to be my fun fall trip! My boyfriend and I are going to go to Lexington for a weekend to visit his sister.

August 2020 Goals

1// Renew my Google AdWords and Google Analytics certification.
When I first moved to Nashville, I didn’t have a ton of friends, so I spent my free time getting Google AdWords and Google Analytics certification. It expired back in March, and I really need to renew it. It’s a great skill to have in my line of work, and it’s always changing. If it’s something that interests you, I highly recommend checking it out since it can open a lot of doors.

2// Post three times a week on my bookstagram.
I go through phases of posting and not posting on my bookstagram, and I’d love to get back into a rhythm of sharing my thoughts and feelings on books I am reading and looking forward to reading. It’s a great way to challenge my creative energy, and I want to connect with more readers!

3// Vote!
Tennessee’s primary election is on August 6th. I meant to vote early, but unfortunately, didn’t do the research I needed to make an informed decision in time, so it’s time to do the work and cast my educated vote on August 6th. Voting in every election, not just the big one, is so important.

4// Highlight two chapters in The Road Back to You.
I finally highlighted the chapter on Enneagram 1s and Enneagram 3s. I’m hoping to get through Enneagram 7 and Enneagram 2 in the next month.

Happy adventuring,

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