amy poehler
Book Reviews,  Books

Read Please

Title: Yes Please
Author: Amy Poehler
Genre: Humor mixed with a little biography
Quotation: “I don’t consider myself beautiful or famous, but my vagina is.”
Would recommend to: those searching for guidance and appreciative of humor.

amy poehler's book

There’s been a slew of books printed in recent years by great comedians, the latest of which being Amy Poehler’s “Yes Please.” I’d love to be original and tell you it wasn’t my favorite, but then I’d be lying. I absolutely loved it. I raved about it for week and recommended it to anyone who would listen to me.

First let me talk about the design of the book. It’s the first thing that popped out at me as original and FUN. Poehler included personal supplements to her story, like pictures from her childhood. She also added fun inserts like, “Reasons We Cry on Airplanes” and “Apologies” from the head and the heart. Along with these honest extras, were super fun, eye-catching quotes, some of which were my favorite from the book. These fun additions to the book added just the right amount of razzle-dazzle that kept the book entertaining, creative, and authentic.

pull quote from Amy Poehler's book

(“Figure out what you want. Say it loud. Then shut up.”)

Even without all these amazing additions, “Yes Please” stands out on a shelf. While I was abroad in January, a girl on my trip would always quote the book and say, “‘Good for you, not for me,’ Amy Poehler.” I automatically fell in love with the sentiment (one of the reasons I picked up the book was because of the recommendation from this friend) and couldn’t wait to read more of Poehler’s words. I wasn’t disappointed. Poehler inspires throughout her novel with flashes to her past, pre-fame life as a child growing up in Massachusetts and a starving improv comedian (they starve more than normal actresses) in Chicago, and finally, to her life of fame on “Saturday Night Life.”

Every part of the book was interesting and gripping. I’m pretty sure I finished it in three days in the midst of studying for finals. Despite loving it so much (and wanting to read it again after writing this review), I’m stumped when I have to explain what it’s about. Because I’m not really sure. It’s about Amy. It’s about acting. It’s about chasing your dream. It’s about life and everything that happens in between.

All in all, it’s an inspiring book with an amazing design and writing style. I think anyone can appreciate the words on the pages of Poehler’s book.

Happy reading,


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