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    Book Reviews,  Books

    Justice, Redemption, and Finding Inner Peace

    “Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption” features a sleepy little town in North Carolina where nine months out of the year it is bustling with college life and the other three months people are sweating in the Carolina heat. Burlington, North Carolina, I can say from experience, doesn’t have much going on. There’s a wide divide between the rich and the poor (still) and a lot of economic activity results from the university in the small town of Elon. I first put “Picking Cotton” on my TBR when I read about it in another book, “Subliminal.” When “Picking Cotton” was mentioned, it was discussing how sometimes eyewitness accounts are…

  • room by emma donpghue review
    Book Reviews,  Books

    “Room”: A Review

    Title: Room Author: Emma Donoghue Genre: Novel Quotation: “Scared is what you’re feeling. Brave is what you’re doing.”   Would recommend to: anyone who needs to be inspired. Jack only knows of the room. He only knows the four walls that keep him inside, the handful of possessions him and his mother own, and the man, Old Nick, that visits at night, which relegates him to sleeping in Wardrobe. The room and what it contains are all that Jack knows because he was born in Room. Jack refers to everything in Room as a proper noun, because they are more than just things to him, they are friends. Because his mom, Ma, was abducted…

  • room by emma donpghue review
    Book Reviews,  Books

    "Room": A Review

    Title: Room Author: Emma Donoghue Genre: Novel Quotation: “Scared is what you’re feeling. Brave is what you’re doing.”   Would recommend to: anyone who needs to be inspired. Jack only knows of the room. He only knows the four walls that keep him inside, the handful of possessions him and his mother own, and the man, Old Nick, that visits at night, which relegates him to sleeping in Wardrobe. The room and what it contains are all that Jack knows because he was born in Room. Jack refers to everything in Room as a proper noun, because they are more than just things to him, they are friends. Because his mom, Ma, was abducted…