Book Reviews,  Books

The Museum of Intangible Things: A Review

Title: The Museum of Intangible Things
Author: Wendy Wunder
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Quotation: “It’s liberating, energizing, and thrilling to step outside all of the rules of decorum and exist in a place I’ve never dared to inhabit.”
Would recommend to: anyone that has ever known anyone who has wanted to escape who they are.

Museum of Intangible Things

This was another one of those young-adult books that didn’t turn out the way I expected it. And I kind of liked it.

Here’s a basic outline of the book:

These two girls have been best friends since childhood and they know exactly how the other one ticks. They have been through more than any normal 18 year-old friendship has been through, involving mental health issues, alcoholic parents, boy troubles and more. They go on a wild adventure together that ultimately leads them to something they have never faced before.

Here’s my initial thoughts:

1. I really like that the story shows a different perspective on friendships. It actually reminded me of my friendship with my best friend from childhood. We always knew each other best and had quirky ways of knowing how to deal with each other. I love that it shows this dynamic because it gives a non-traditional look at what a best friendship can be.

2. This book talks about mental health in a really important light. While it shows that hospitals may not be the best place for everyone, it also kind of shows that one person can’t be responsible for the safety of another individual, especially if they aren’t trained to handle it.

3. I didn’t feel like I got closure when I finished this book. That may be due to the unique ending and how it didn’t resemble a typical young-adult book, but I just felt so unsatisfied. This is not me telling you not to read this book. Please PLEASE read this book. It is important in so many ways, just don’t be shocked if you end it and feel a little lost. That’s normal. That’s expected.


I really suggest this book to anyone that has ever dealt with mental health issues personally or with a friend. I think it can help you understand how when things end in a way you didn’t expect, it’s not your fault.

I think Wunder did a great job of writing a book about something important without making it too serious and depressing. I definitely recommend this to young-adult readers that are looking to diversify their bookshelves.

Happy reading,


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