Lifestyle,  Personal

Top 6 Office Supplies to Keep in Your Desk at Work

An unfortunate fact of life is that you probably spend more waking hours at work than you do in your own home. On average, Americans work over 9 hours per day, which means, you should probably keep a few creature comforts at your desk. Personally, I keep a lot of random things at my desk like a tube of concealer in case I pick at any pimples that pop up, a blanket because I’m always cold (don’t worry, I get made fun of regularly when I wrap myself in it in the office, but I don’t care because I’m cozy), and a plastic straw for my water bottle to name a few. While these are things I like to have at my desk, I think there are a few universal office supplies to keep in your desk just in case. Let’s get started!

office supplies to keep at your desk

1. Gum/Mints
So, I actually don’t like mint, and I don’t chew gum, but I keep these two items in my desk for a reason — everyone else in the office wants them. Part of my job is to have everyone’s needs covered, so having some gum or mints at my disposal is always a good thing. Personally, I like being able to say “Oh, I’ve got that,” when a need pops up for someone, and looking prepared for any situation is never a bad thing. In addition to gum and mints for my co-workers, I also keep fruit flavored Tic Tacs in my desk in case I need to freshen my breath for an after lunch meeting.

2. Band-Aids
I keep band-aids in my desk for two reasons — 1) I’m a klutz, and I’m constantly injuring myself, and 2) Women’s shoes were made by a man who didn’t have to wear them, therefore, they hurt. My new office dress code is strictly business casual, which means wearing heels or flats every day. I love my flats, but as any girl knows, sometimes they cut into the back of your heal or rub your toe the wrong way and walking to the bathroom is a treacherous journey. In come the band-aids to save the day! Trust me, you’ll be glad you never have to debate walking to your car barefoot at the end of the day or crying as you soak your feet in an epsom salt bath. You also never know when someone else might need a band-aid, and when you’ve got one, you’ll be the best part of their day.

3. Hand Lotion
I’ve never been a religious user of hand lotion, but I started keep a travel tube at my desk, and I put it on every morning when I notice my hands are a little dry. I would have noticed my hands where dry and one point or another and probably just ignored it, but now that I keep lotion at my desk, I never have to neglect my dry hands again. It’s also an easy way to show yourself a little self care while your at work.

4. Ibuprofen
Unfortunately, I get headaches very regularly, so it’s important I have a stash of ibuprofen on me at all times. While others might not be afflicted as much as I am, they’re always grateful when I can hand over some over-the-counter medication to cure their head pain.

5. Snacks
Sure, the office might have a stash of protein bars or chips in the break room, but there’s nothing like keeping your favorite snacks stashed in your desk — as long as you can restrain yourself from eating everything the minute you tuck it in your drawer. At one point, I thought about sticking a candy bag in my desk, but thought better of it because I knew I would demolish it in less than a day. Now I just keep a box of Luna bars in my bottom drawer and only go to it in emergencies (like when I’m working late or want to go to the gym straight from work).

6. Extra Office Supplies
This comes in handy when you work in an open office environment. You’re bound to have someone roll up to your desk asking for a pen or piece of paper, and when you can easily provide that item, you’ll look like a rockstar. I keep sticky notes, blue and black pens, highlights, and a notepad at my desk at all times in case someone needs something quickly. It never hurts to be prepared!

I know it seems like common sense to keep these things at your desk, but this is the first time I’ve ever actually needed all the stuff just to get through the day! What’s your number one thing you keep at your desk? Let me know in the comments below. Mine is definitely my blanket by far — no matter how many times I get made fun of.

Happy adventuring,

top six office supplies to keep in your desk at work pinterest graphic


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