Catching My Eye,  Personal

Catching My Eye | 8.23.19

This week was a looonnng one. You might have noticed since I missed a post on Wednesday (I’m sorry!). I thought it would be more manageable, but I ended up scheduling way too many things — again. Oh well, at least it’s the weekend! Something I wanted to touch on this week is the importance of your network. Your personal and professional networks are so important to your development. This week along I reached out to a professional connection to help me get a leg up in my career, and I reached out to my personal network (friend) to help me better understand a certain situation I’m experiencing. It took me so long to get to the point where I feel comfortable reaching out to people for favors like this, but it’s so important to do. It’s the only way you can grow as a person. Anyways, time to get off my soapbox. Let’s get into what’s been catching my eye this week…

catching my eye

1. This tweet about being a people-pleaser
I’ve been weeding out passive speech in my work and personal life, and this tweet perfectly encapsulates how I used to communicate with my friends and coworkers. Every time I would invite a friend to do something, I would always add “no worries if not” because I didn’t want them to feel pressured, but that’s such a passive way. People can say no if they want to say no. Why should we give them a perfectly curated out? I’ve been learning to get comfortable with making the ask and leaving it on the table, and this article reminded me that so many people are struggling with that same concept.

2. This company that makes affordable glasses
I’m in the market for a new pair of glasses, and I absolutely love the style of this company.

3. These personal finance tips
There are a few themes you can expect from A Spoonful of Honi, and personal finance is one of them. I loved this article from “The Good Trade” with personal finance tips from people based on their personal experience. I particularly liked the general ideas of being in charge of your money and how saving can actually be really simple.

4. These productivity tips based on your Enneagram type
I’ve recently gotten on the Enneagram bandwagon (I’m late, I know), but these tips are fantastic. I’ve been using them to help me lead my teams in personal and professional settings, and it’s been a huge gamechanger.

5. The second book in V.E. Schwab’s famous series
It’s been almost a year since I finished the first book, so I guess it’s finally time for me to crack the second. I sense this trend with me — waiting a year between sequels — but I’m already thirty pages in and loving it. A Darker Shade of Magic series is about three separate Londons — one where magic is bad, one where magic is good, and one where magic doesn’t exist. A Gathering of Shadows takes place four months after all the destruction that occurred in the first book. Kell misses Lila and has no idea where she disappeared to after everything that happened with Prince Rhy and and the Dane twines of White London. But he can’t think about her too much because his London, Red London, is preparing for the Element Games — an international competition between neighboring countries. It’s supposed to be both elegant and choc-full of rivalry, so it reminds me a little bit of the Hunger Games. I’m excited to dive between the pages this weekend.

Happy adventuring,

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