Top 5 Wednesday

Top 5 Wednesday: Series I Want to Start

Top 5 Wednesday

Christmas is THREE days away! And with that only nine days until the new year! With that being said, this week’s Top 5 Wednesday is dedicated to the series I want to tackle in 2016. Let’s get started!

1. Game of Thrones
I’ve been hesitant to start these since I know they aren’t done yet, but I think 2016 is the year for me to finally get into this book, as well as the TV series. (I’m thinking of binge watching it in January.)

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
I have the entire series compiled into one book and looking at it is actually terrifying. It’s quite the daunting task, but I think 2016 me is ready for it.


3. Outlander
I’ve talked about wanting to read this series before. I’ve heard fantastic things and love the historical and fantastical elements that Gabaldon weaves into her stories.

4. Anna and the French Kiss
My roommate told me about this series and she said it was wonderful! It looks like an easy YA read for whenever I’m traveling or need a break from any heavier reading that I’m doing.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
While I read the first book, I haven’t had the time to read any of the others in the series. I would love to have the time to just curl up with these intense thrillers and give them the time they deserve.

What series are you looking forward to reading in 2016? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy reading,


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