• Books

    Tips on Reading for Fun during the School Year

    With school having started recently, I know it’s hard to pick up a book to read for fun. Between AP reading and class assignments, reading for pleasure isn’t on many people’s to-do lists. But it should be! Reading is proven to sharpen your mind and calm your nerves. I know that personally, reading brings me happiness. Sneaking into a new world to escape my own brings me solace that I thrive on during the school year. Despite my overwhelming to-do list and scurrying from meeting to meeting, reading something for fun always comes as number one. Here’s how you can sneak some extra reading time into your schedule: 1. Always…

  • Top 5 Wednesday

    Top 5 Wednesday: Fictional Cities

    This week is dedicated to all of our favorite fictional cities in all of our favorite books. 1. Hogsmeade You may be noticing a trend — pretty much anything Harry Potter related is going to be included on any list that talks about my favorite things in literature. Who hasn’t daydreamed about walking around Hogsmeade with snow flurrying all around you and stumbling into The Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer. Just me? Okay, that’s fine. 2. Oz I specifically think the Emerald City would be amazing to see. But all of Oz, with it’s winding yellow-brick road, would be a grand adventure to explore. 3. Middle-earth Because who doesn’t want…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    In History’s Blood

    Title: In Cold Blood Author: Truman Capote Genre: Historical Non-Fiction Quotation: “Imagination, of course, can open any door — turn the key and let terror walk right in.” Would recommend to: people who love unraveling a mystery. Recently, I have been trying to branch out with my reading interests. I’ve picked up books from sections all over the bookstore, and I’ve really liked it. I’ve discovered some books I never would have otherwise — one of those books being “In Cold Blood”. ICB is about the Clutter family murder in 1959 in Kansas. It sounds morbid — I know — but it’s actually extremely interesting. I flew through this book due to…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    In History's Blood

    Title: In Cold Blood Author: Truman Capote Genre: Historical Non-Fiction Quotation: “Imagination, of course, can open any door — turn the key and let terror walk right in.” Would recommend to: people who love unraveling a mystery. Recently, I have been trying to branch out with my reading interests. I’ve picked up books from sections all over the bookstore, and I’ve really liked it. I’ve discovered some books I never would have otherwise — one of those books being “In Cold Blood”. ICB is about the Clutter family murder in 1959 in Kansas. It sounds morbid — I know — but it’s actually extremely interesting. I flew through this book due to…

  • Top 5 Wednesday

    Top 5 Wednesday: Book Series

    This weeks Top 5 Wednesday is dedicated to those series you just wish had more books. I’m sure you can already guess a few that are going to be on my list. 1. Harry Potter by J.K Rowling But I don’t want more books, I want a whole new series about Harry’s kids lives, and world post-Voldemort. I think it would be so interesting to pop back into that world and get a sneak peak of how badly Albus Severus is teased and how great a Quidditch player James is and how adorable Hermione and Ron’s relationship is. I just want maybe one more book that outlines their relationships as…

  • Treasure Tuesday

    Treasure Tuesday

    Classes started today at my university! I am officially an upperclassman and that is both terrifying and amazing. 2. I am still currently reading “Identical” because I worked so much in the last week. But my goal is to finish it sometime this week. 3. Check out this amazing post for any dessert lover on Buzzfeed. I know this isn’t book related, but come on, you need this in your life on this fine Tuesday. 4.  5. We all need some good news in our days. Here’s a whole website dedicated to it. (Good News Network) Happy reading, Kimberly

  • Top Ten Tuesday

    Top 10 Tuesday: Books on My Syllabus

    Top 10 Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in 2010. It’s a fun way for bloggers all over the Internet to connect and post the things they love about books. This week I will be talking about the books that would be on my syllabus if I were to teach The Basics 101. (This includes books that every book lover should read. 1. Harry Potter by J.K Rowling This is a classic series that spurred by love of reading and everything magical. 2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee This was the first book I really remember enjoy reading that wasn’t fantasy. 3. Peter Pan by J.M.…

  • Uncategorized

    The Liebster Blog Award

    Thank you to Lucia for nominating me for the Liebster award! I am honestly so incredibly honored to have been nominated. Bloggers are nominated by other bloggers for this award and nominees have fewer than 200 followers. Here are the rules for everyone that has been nominated for this award: The rules: 1) Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award 2) Answer the 11 questions the blogger gave you 3) Give 11 random facts about yourself 4) Nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award 5) Let the bloggers know you have nominated them 6) Give them 11 questions to answer 1. What is a…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    An Abundance of Reading

    Title: An Abundance of Katherines Author: John Green Genre: Young Adult Fiction Quote: “I just want to do something that matters. Or be something that matters. I just want to matter.” Would recommend to: someone who understands the importance of second chances. I have never been a particularly huge fan of John Green’s novels. I don’t hate them, (obviously not, because I’ve read like three of his books) but I have never before reveled in their magic like others. But, now I have. (http://www.npr.org/books/titles/157814205/an-abundance-of-katherines) After reading “The Fault in Our Stars” and “Papertowns”, I had given up. I felt like nothing really happened (specifically in “Papertowns”); it was very anti-climactic to me. The stories…

  • Top 5 Wednesday

    Top 5 Wednesday: Tropes

    A couple Wednesdays ago I posted about the character tropes I loved. This week is all about the ones I hate. Again, character tropes are overused themes in books. So let’s get started… 1. The perfect girl You know what I’m talking about — I’m talking about the girl who seems so perfect on the outside with her perfect hair and her perfect teeth and her perfect boyfriend, yada yada yada. But really, on the inside, she’s suffered a lot and just doesn’t know how to tell anyone. I’m really sick of this one, mostly because it gives a lot of girls the impression that they shouldn’t let their guard down and…