Catching My Eye,  Personal

    Catching My Eye | 6.21.19

    Hey friends, it’s been a while! I took last week off because I was planning not one, not two, but three events. I’m happy to announce they went super well, but it definitely took a toll on me. I felt like I was underwater for the whole rest of the week, and I was exhausted for the entirety of this week. Hopefully, I can take this weekend to rest up and get ready for some other big life changes coming my way. Last week, I had two big events for work that I coordinated and hosted, and then I helped host a large gala event at the zoo for a…

    Catching My Eye,  Personal

    Catching My Eye | 6.7.19

    What a week! I’ve got two massive events I’m planning coming up next week, so I’m basically a chicken with its head cut off until next Sunday when I can finally breathe again. But honestly, I kind of love it. Maybe I’ve found a new passion? Who knows. Even though this week has been crazy, it’s also been exciting. I love a new month, and June is such an exhilarating month since it kicks off the summer and all the fun things that come with the season. I shared my summer bucket list with you all this week, but I’m truly looking forward to the possibilities that come with summer — the…

    Lifestyle,  Personal

    Summer Bucket List

    Summer is in full swing in Nashville. I’ve spent a few days at the pool and enough days in the sun to feel that summer has sunk in, and this one is going to be a hot one. This summer is entirely different from last summer for me, so I’m ready to make the most of it. Maybe it’s because I’m from Florida, and I was basically raised in a perpetual summer, but I don’t hate this season as much as other people. I look forward to the sweaty days and reading in the park, the long summer nights and the early summer mornings. There’s something in the air during the summertime,…

  • Catching My Eye,  Personal

    Catching My Eye | 5.31.19

    The week after a long weekend always feels ten times shorter even though it’s only a one day difference of your routine. Speaking of routines, I’ve been loving my new nighttime routine of brewing a cup of tea and sipping it while reading before I go to bed. It’s been so relaxing, and it’s the perfect way to wind down after a night with friends or evening spent blogging. This week wasn’t anything special to be honest. I spent a little extra time on my self-care since I was hyper-aware that it was my grandmother’s birthday on Tuesday, and I knew that day would be hard without her here. I…

    Lifestyle,  Personal

    Why I Got A Tattoo

    Surprise! I got a tattoo! About three weeks ago, on May 4th, I decided to scar my body for the rest of my life, and it’s the best decision I ever made. As most of you know, my grandmother passed away earlier this year. It was expected, but it was still hard. To make it harder, my family never got the chance to celebrate her amazing life. So, I made a choice to honor her in my own way — by getting a tattoo. Truthfully, I try to honor her life every day by living it how she would have liked me to. I say yes to far more opportunities,…

    Catching My Eye,  Personal

    Catching My Eye | 5.24.19

    Can someone please make time stop? When did it become the last week of May? Despite time moving way too fast for me, this week was such a fun one. I had a really great weekend spending time with my favorite cat, getting a little sun by the pool, and enjoying some new experiences around Nashville including eating a hot dog I had looked forward to for two hours and watching a really great soccer match. Someone was asking me last night why I love Nashville so much, and I think it’s because there’s always something new to do or somewhere new to explore. It’s only been a year and…

    Advice,  Personal

    The Truth About Graduating…

    Two years in the real world down; a lifetime to go! This past Monday marked two years since I graduated from my dream school. It marked two years since saying goodbye to the safety and schedule of the educational system I’d been in since I was three years old. Two years since saying goodbye to mentors and friends that shaped me in inexplicable ways. On Friday, a whole new crop of seniors are graduating from my favorite place in the world, and I want to send some advice (albeit, unsolicited) their way. Let’s get started. Graduating is hard. Now, it will not be the hardest thing you do in your…

    Lifestyle,  Playlists

    Top 5 Podcasts to Listen To

    Podcasts have been having their moment in the sun for a few years now, but I’m still just as obsessed with them as I was a few years ago. I love having noise around me at all times (Silence can be scary, okay?), so whether I’m doing my makeup or cleaning my bathroom, I like to have a podcast playing. I have different podcasts for different occasions — news is strictly for my morning routine, murder podcasts are on full blast when I’m working out, and brain food podcasts are for when I’m doing work that doesn’t require a lot of attention. I listen to a wide range of radio…

  • Catching My Eye,  Personal

    Catching My Eye | 5.17.19

    Yesterday was really tough. I try to stay positive here on the blog, and I try to always see the silver lining in life, but yesterday was a really rough day. I don’t want to get political on here, but I feel like I have an obligation to say something. I don’t have the biggest following out here on the interwebs, but if I can help one person, that’s so important. So, I want to give everyone reading this message an assignment — check in on your female friends. The world is becoming a scarier and scarier place every day for women, and I think we all need to check…

    Advice,  Personal

    I Took A Day Off…

    This weekend did not go as planned. And that’s okay. I took yesterday off. I didn’t do a single thing on my to-do list until 8:30 p.m. And, that’s okay. I have a huge problem with taking time off to do nothing. Even when I wasn’t blogging for two months, I will still working incredibly hard on personal projects and work. Doing nothing for me is such a foreign concept that I have a really hard time accepting that some days it’s exactly what I need. Both Friday and Saturday were very busy days for me. Saturday was an all-day affair with friends at Steeplechase, so I was really relying on having…